Sunday, January 21, 2007

The BIG FOUR go to WAR - EPL Style

Not much to mention today.

Updates on the Rash: it has localised the itching to behind my left ear. Strange place but at least my chin and face are ok now. The rough bits around the edge of me facial area is still rough but not itchy anymore. The bit behind my ear feels like the skin is flaking but it’s not – just really itchy.

A friend of mine is going thru some relationship issues and I’m more than happy to share some wise words of wisdom.

Stop rolling your eyes.

She asked me what she should do. I gave her standard advice – do what you feel is right, don’t compromise on you true beliefs, is the sacrifice worth it.

I keep feeling I should be paid for all this stuff I help people out with. Screw a psychology degree, mondo experience is waaaaay better. Well not my experience, other people’s. If it were all me, I’d be in a straight jacket.

Strange tho – after all I’ve seen and what I’ve experienced, I’m still not jaded by what people expect and what people want. The stories are all the same, just the names change. The situations alter with the times, and little spins make it seem more confusing, but there’s always one point. One ultimate singularity (to take so grandly from Stephen Hawking) where a decision could make or break the relationship. I suppose that’s usually when I get called up. I never butt in uninvited. Even when people call or whatnot to tell me stuff about their problems. Like I’ve mentioned before, most problems could be solved if people just listen to themselves. You have to know what you want first and foremost. It can get all confused but that’s what good friends are for, to help to filter out the wants from the want nots.

Only if they ask for advice then only you should give them some. Only then.

Well enough of that – it’s making me a little depressed.

The BIG FOUR go to WAR! A HUGE weekend for the EPL!
12.00am Kick-off (Malaysian time)

Man Utd are six (count em – SIX) points ahead of title-chasers Chelsea. If United win this tonight, they could well be NINE points clear.

Thank you LIVERPOOL! But only because you beat Chelsea.

* * *

I need to stop this nasty little habit of visualising me being with someone when they are clearly so not interested. And I don’t consciously want to be with them. Sigh. I think I have an issue. Some DEEP-seated issue. I just don’t know what it is. If someone can tell me, please help me so I can work on getting rid of it. It’s no good for my mental and emotional health I’m telling you.