Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Good News!

  1. I GRADUATED!! Fk yeah!
  2. I'm moving into my new flat TOMORROW! Fk Yeah!
  3. I'm in Swansea and the weather is good! Fk Yeah!
Ok, so the last one isn't that great but it's still good.

I got a Second Class honours Lower division. I'm quite pleased with it tho. A Second Class is still a second class. Onwards to the BVC!

The New Flat will be awesome! I am SUPER looking forward to staying in a flat with less than 12 other people and having a comfortable double bed and my own shower! No internet tho as far as I can tell unforch, so no updates for a while I reckon. Enjoy yourselves cyber people! I know I will be!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm scared. Confused.
Like I'm peering into the the darkness
and all I see is a light that blinds.

Shell shock. Mortar bombed.
The dust cloud rises up
and obscures what should be clear.

The radio crackles in silence.
Surrounded by a choking warmth
my skin shivers in fere.

How did it come to this?
A hatred of the soft
and the condemnation of the lost.

-Anon, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009


i think i have become boring girlfriend.

Fk that Sht. Wht the hell is wrong with me? I gotta stop trying so hard.