Monday, October 12, 2009

What a weekend

I should have blogged about this yesterday but to be honest, I couldn't be arsed.

Friday night I went out for pub golf with the BVC fellas. Given that I didn't go out hte last time or that I haven't been drinking for ages I should taken it a bit slower. But no. I went racing off like a mad woman with a wax lined stomach.

Here's what I got into myself:
  • Vodka mixer (orange juice) down in 1
  • Half a bottle of apple cider down in 1
  • Half a pint of Fosters down in 1
  • Vodka mixer (Cola) down in 3
  • Double Gin and tonic down in 3
  • Whisky mixer (JD and orange juice) down in 3
I was playing the par 9 route but i still managed to down a few. And the first 3 drinks were all within 30 minutes of each other I think. I didn't look at the time to be fair.

We all ended up at Oceana at like 11pm but by then I was feeling well wrecked and really sleepy and headachy. I could barely keep my eyes open and focused on things. About 11.30 (I think?) i made my own way to the loo and chucked up a good portion of the hari raya goodies that I had been snacking on earlier in the day. Two good heaves and I waddled back up to the disco. The Disco was really fun tho. I was chatting with this guy from Cardiff who was sitting at the same table as me. I was just chatting to him and he seemed really nice and all. I didn't see much of him after that.

Let me firstly note, that I have never before thrown up after drinking. And I never wanna do it again. It burns.

I was somewhat accompanied by Melody for a part of the night and then I decided I couldn't stay awake and wanted to go home. Kirsty, bless her, walked me downstairs to the taxi place, but not before following me to the loo and again chucking up three times before I was satisfied that I wasn't going to make a mess of the taxi.

I got home safe and sound, and granted I forgot to message Kirsty later. Sorry hun.

Tash was back home after going out somewhere. I knocked on her door, at the suggestion of Kirsty and my own common sense and told her I was feeling rotten and that I had thrown up five times already and I was worried that I would throw up in bed (eww...).

She and Jun, the other house mate of ours, talked to me for a bit, before determining that I was quite sober and that I probably won't throw up while asleep. Nevertheless, Tash still lined my bin with a big black bin liner just in case.

I woke up the next morning, not really with a hangover, just with a sense that my brain was a little tight for my head. I went back to sleep. Woke up properly at 11am something feeling relatively fine and not a trace of the malingering effects of a hangover that people moan about.

* * *

Not surprisingly for me, I don't go red when I drink. It's an interesting non-effect that I have been told about tho I've never had access to a properly lit mirror to check. Chern, on the other hand, goes flush-red at the first drop of wine and Hui Lynn gets all splotchy all over. Kirsty has a good alco-tolerance so I can't tell with her yet.

* * *

Yesterday, the Boy told me that his camera was stolen from his bag while he was playing football.

It's quite a WTF?! moment as his camera is just a year old and he quite needs it, otherwise wha'ts the point in taking a year out in France if you're not going to document it with photos. Memories are all well and good, but you need photos.

So I crash landed on Amazon UK and tried to figure out if I could chip in to get him a new camera. The newer Canon Ixus 95 was on promotion so I rang him up in France and told him about that. I'm chipping in about 50 pounds as his Christmas present. And it comes with a free camera case - which he (says) he needs. Well, he splashed out on a nice one last time so I might as well find him one with a case thrown in free. It's quite a good deal.

I've sent off for it to be sent to his residence in France and it should be there by the end of the wek, tho with the French postal service, no one knows.

I have to send off the 2GB Memory card that he bought for me the last time.

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Talking about posting things, I have to mail off the package that I have prepared for my parents for their anniversary and Dad's birthday! It's very belated but better than nothing! And I think they will like it :)

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Placement week now. Monday off. Tuesday to Pontypridd, Wednesday to Merthyr Tydvil following a District Judge and Thursday and Friday chambering with a Cardiff Chambers. Yay! So excited :)

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