Thursday, August 10, 2006

Good Ideas with Bad Timing

Why do all the really good ideas come at the most inconvenient times? Like when I'm on the loo or having a shower. I suppose it's because there's nothing to distract me from thinking up really good ideas - like blog posts and world-changing inventions.

Its so infuriating, especially when I'm washing my hair because I know from experience that even if I remember my idea after I've finished my shower, I still have to dry off and get dressed and put that hair stuff my mum bought. And usually by that time I can't be bothered to do anything about the idea (I'm really good at procrastinating) or I just forget what the wonderful thought was - and there goes my chance to shine.

There are a lot of topics I have thought about covering in this blog, like period pains and how condusive pain is to creative writing. And this is real pain I'm talking about, not that wimpy emo crap. Anyway, that's a story for another time.

Another thing, why do the ideas come at night, JUST after I get to bed and try to fall asleep? Its so infuriating, it's like my own brain is trying to keep me awake and not sleep even though I'm dead tired. Sometimes I get up to write it down thinking that once I get it out of my head I can finally rest, but no. Then I start dissecting the topic and thinking of the different sections I can split it up to etc. and then the next day, I'll look at the piece of paper and be too lazy to put anything solid on paper or type it out. Sigh. That's me for you.

Maybe one day I'll actually have the incentive and motivation to move my ass and share with the world my great ideas. Maybe I'll become a famous writer or journalist? If I can overcome my procrastination and laziness and stuff. Yeah. IF. I don't know. My ideas don't have a real structure to them anyway. I guess I could be bothered to format it if anyone apart from me actually read the damn posts. So far all I've got a bloody spammers. Goddamn them! Hmm.. an idea for another post…

By the way, if anyone does actually want to know what this blog gets updated - it could be tomorrow, it could be a few months - then… email me I guess. I recommend not putting your email in the comments section or the tagboard coz unscrupulous spammers may steal them and spam you to death. I generally don't mind spammers as long as they don't get personal and don't chase away any of my loyal (but small) legion of fans.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back.

    And even more glad I kept it in my Favorites.
