OK, maybe just a bit.
But it's quite hard to believe, in our fast-paced and developing society that there are still some people who, in their infinite ignorance, still insist that girls are supposed to be this, or this, or this. God, it makes me so mad (not you personally, God. You're cool)
So, I asked the
Girls are dainty
And we are all supposed to be wearing pretty pretty frocks and painting portraits and crying for help when we are unable to open the pickle jar lid. Because we are dainty.
Real proper ladies are supposed to be seen not heard. And kept helpless and useless.
OM F@#$%@#$ G. Get a GRIP. Ever heard of the Feminist movement?! Women Empowerment? Evidently NOT! If being "dainty" means being a "lady", FINE. I can be a lady, I can be polite in public, but don't EVER say to me that being a lady is putting up and shutting up. We all have vocal chords for a reason.
Moving on...
Girls are fragile
"Oh, I broke a nail."
Guys usually use this phrase as an example of female vunerability.
OK, fellas, first off: Broken fingernails hurt like a bitch. You try growing your nails for a month or so and let one of your buddies break it off for you. 100 bucks for any guy who doesn't go "MuthaFCUKER!!". And why do girls grow their nails long? Because of stupid society saying it's good! Its makes you a woman! It distinguishes you from the men! Can you say BS, loud enough? Sure, nail polish is advertised as a feminine product, but with the right advertising, men would take to nail polish like a cat to cream. Don't believe me? Guess who's nails are these:
Yeah, those are a guy's nails. No joke. And I painted the nails of 5 different guys in the span of a couple of days. Voluntarily. See? All you cosmetic companies out there, you have a new market! HAH, the day they start advertising nail polish for men is the day I relinquish my title as Neo-Feminist Drama Queen (and I don't give that up easily).
Girls are Delicate
Delicate enough to be enlisted and kick enemy butt. Delicate enough for you? Not me personally, but those brave women all over the world fighting in wars and conflict. If they are so delicate, then how would they survive? And none of that Army training bullshit. ALL girls are capable of kicking ASS and should rightfully do so whenever they feel like it.
Kickboxing, Tae Kwando, Judo, Karate. All self defence and martial arts designed for the protection of the human body against antagonists, e.g. would-be rapists and future castration nominees. I'm sure event he most butt-headed idiot knows how to throw a punch or two.
Alright, given that men are biologically stronger and more adapted to physical combat, women are still capable of holding their own. Plus, we don't have that... sensitive spot you "men" have.
Still think I'm wrong? Watch Kill Bill and then try and argue with me again.
don't F@#K with me
Oh, and the idiots that provoked me into this lenghty rant were my parents. They teach me something new everyday. I did not know I was a goddess till now.