Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Things that are overrated

I am sick and tired of people always going "OMG, ________ is so great!" when it is obviously repetitive/lame/stupid/outdated. Here is my tribute to them.

Star Wars (especially Episode 3)

There is no rational explanation for why people would purposely go out of their way to watch this movie. Everyone KNOWS what's going to happen anyway. There is no such thing as a spoiler for this movie.

What Happens:
    Anakin becomes Darth Vader

    Padme dies

    Luke and Leia are born (and are therefore exposed as siblings and twins which therefore spoils the plot of the original movies

    The Sith defeat the Jedi (evil over good) as per the TITLE

Not that I dislike all Star Wars movies, because I don't I happen to be a big fan of the original 3. I just find that George Lucas is milking the Star Wars franchise for all its worth. I mean, wasn't the series FINE with the TRILOGY? Now what are we supposed to call it? The Star Wars Sexology? George Lucas should learn to keep his grubby little fingers away from things that shouldn't be tampered with.

The OC

Is it just me or does the OC seem like a teenage version of The Bold and the Beautiful? You've got all the main elements of a soap opera in there: hot/beautiful/aesthetically pleasing actors and actresses, "designer" sets in "exotic" locations, weekly/daily/hourly problems that would cause dire circumstances within the immediate social circle but wouldn't effect the insignificant and uninvolved families around that are not part of the show (yet). Its all very self-centered and egotistical when the producers of the show expect viewers a million miles away to cry and weep for a self-centered brat who expects everything to go their way. And note: all of them are filthy RICH. How unfair is that? The OC is just one death away from swapping actors and using soft lighting to hide the aging performers' wrinkles (because people don't age in real life)


I just don't get it. They claim to be "rockers" but the only thing they rock at is the ability to put me to sleep. I have yet to hear a Coldplay song that makes my toes dance or my heart pump. Even the videos are boring. The one with the disappearing dude was cool and all but nothing extravagantly rocker about them. There should be a new genre of music labeled "Soft soft rock" and all rock/lullaby songs should be labeled as such and rated on their ability to give listeners the most visual dreams while listening. Nothing over 50 decibels - it'll be too loud

Now don't get me wrong, I don't purposely dislike popular culture or anything. In fact I embrace it! I just like giving credit where credit is due and the above 3 suckers don't in the least deserve the credit that the mass of millions give to them.

[I don't think they can be said to be completely OWN3D, but its a start and it's late at night]

1 comment:

  1. how dare u! coldplay rock...ok yea lame. but u have to admit hayden was hot.
