Monday, February 12, 2007

Addendum extrias

Wow, so much to write today.

1. I have discovered colours!

Blogging is so much more fun when you can write like you talk and emphasize things in an interesting way. I don’t have a complex system of colour-coded inflections or hand gestures, but whatever seems to fit right, that’s how it is.

I think Gmail’s got the right interface for it. It works a lot better than the one I think.

2. I freak out over stupid things

Not to say that I have freaked out lately, but I don’t stress-out to the right things.
Subject – exams, Stress level – low
Subject – Boys, Stress level – high

I’m so stupid.

3. Yay! Top Gear has finished downloading!

I have been waiting for the torrent of the first episode of the latest Season of Top Gear (Season 9) to finish loading. I’ve waited since it came out. I’ve waited since said their encoder was on leave or something. I’ve waited since the other encoder guy crashed his encoding device.

And it’s finally done! Salvation!

* * *

I think I know why I want to be in control so much. I don’t like dredging up the past but maybe because I had so little control last times that it’s affected me now.

There was another more reasonable explanation, but I’ve forgotten.

Sorry. Kinda like an anti-climax.

* * *

And I just thought of this:

Lewd Joke Alert!

Why is the sea so salty?


Because it’s full of semen (sea-men)

I’m so gross. Hahaha!