Saturday, March 24, 2007

Short-lived, doesn't-really-count kinda thing

I think we had our first fight. Hard to tell cos it didn’t really last that long. Well, there was a long spell of silence on both our parts but he was a bit sore the whole thing.

It’s kinda like a three part miniseries. There were the offending words and the subsequent silence, the attempted reconciliation, then the make up bit.

The offending words were some small joking phrases that I said to him that really hit a nerve. He’s told me before that it really annoyed him, but I guess I forgot. To be honest, I really can’t see the big deal about it. He takes it as if I mean every word with malice and that I look at him in that way. And I don’t, I’m joking. Totally joking. I mean, for those of you who know me, I’m like a total goof, right? He can’t tell when I’m joking and when I’m serious – which is a big problem.

Anyway, the ensuing silence was uncomfortable to say the least. You all know how uncomfortable silences are like. And it’s worse when you don’t know the person well enough to know what they are likely to do and when you care what that person thinks.

I tried to reason without sounding too defensive, but I think I ended up sounding defensive anyway. Well I don’t know if my entreaties worked, but things seem patched up thanks to the next bit…

The make up bit is the usualhow you get guys to forgive you. And at this point I’m feeling pretty shitty so I’m really not up for anything. And he’s the one trying to start it. So I know it’s my fault and I know I have yet to apologise for goodness-knows-what I’ve done. I still don’t think it’s that serious.

Anyway, note to self: don’t ever insinuate, jokingly or otherwise, that he is a horny, sex-crazed pervert who is out to rape me.

1 comment:

  1. hey hope this all worked out ok now. is tht why u sms'ed this morning? just wondering.
    btw, smt i figured out over time (it will save u earache hehe): "sorry" generally works better than reasoning it out, unless its a rly rly big deal. n guys are more sensitive than they appear if u say smt tht they are scared is too close to the truth (i'm sure hes not thaaat bad ok :-) )

    queen of over-defensive-argmentativeness :-)
